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Using Geometiles in the classroom to deepen your student's understanding of geometry, fractions and more can be fun and engaging!

Making Geometry Click with Geometiles

Thinking back to my days in Geometry (and even before) it was always a struggle for me. There were so many concepts to connect together in such a short amount of time and it truly overwhelmed me. I never had a chance to investigate things with manipulatives longer than maybe

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As a new (or even seasoned ) teacher, you may be struggling with the aspects of what is Response to Intervention (RTI). What does it mean for you as a teacher and what does it mean in your classroom? I'm here to help you understand some basic components as well as link you to a FREEBIE that you can implement in your classroom from Day One (or whenever you need to start).

What is Response to Intervention (RTI)?

Our role as Educators is to ensure all students learn and are successful. In a perfect world, this would be easy. We teach our class a skill or topic and all of those smiling faces are able to comprehend and apply it to their daily lives. However, we don’t live

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Do you use Warm Ups in your classroom? Come see why I converted to using only Exit Tickets in my classroom and I began to be able to better assess and understand the learning of my students on a regular basis with some tips on new types of Exit Tickets and ways of grading.

The Debate between Warm-Ups and Exit Tickets

I’ve had many conversations over the past few years with teachers about the use of Warm Ups and/or Exit Tickets in the classroom. I always start with asking which of the two, or both, that teachers used but also why they chose that. Time and time again it has become very obvious that

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Creating Reasoning Talks to build Communication in your Math Classroom can revolutionize your classroom and build better learners!

Creating Reasoning Talks for Your Classroom

Recently I had Dr. Cory Bennett share with us about Reasoning Talks (Number Talks that focus on Reasoning) and how to use them in the Middle School classroom. So many of your responded asking for more information and I am finally here to share that with you. Some of the

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Recap From NCTM Annual Conference

NCTM Annual Conference Recap Part Two

Here I am now almost a month after NCTM Annual Conference has passed and I am still enjoying all that I learned and did while I was there. It was definitely a conference worth going to if you are ever able. Thursday continued So when I left off in the last

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Recap From 2017 NCTM Annual

NCTM Annual Conference Recap Part One

Where can I begin on NCTM Annual? Last week was awesome! As soon as I got there I knew that the three days in San Antonio spending time not only reconnecting with some of my math buddies across the nation but also taking some time to learn some new things

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Creating Diagrams in Interactive Notebooks

If you are like me there are times where creating a diagram is necessary to show how something works. When I was teaching fifth grade we had so many diagrams and they were up all over our classroom because I didn’t know better. This made it really hard for my

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Tape In Interactive Notebooks

Taming the Tape Monster in Interactive Notebooks

You know exactly what I mean. Sometimes it is just easier to use tape in interactive notebooks for things or you need tape because you are creating a hinge of sorts with papers that you are putting in your notebook. It is just a necessity. You cringe at the thought

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Math Concerns from a Secondary Persepective

When working with teachers I love to take some time and have discussions and truly listen to what they have to say about various things. On my most recent trip, an Interactive Notebook Workshop for 6th-12th grade Math Teachers), that was no different. I participated in a conversation at lunch

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Each year we as teachers struggle to get our students back on track after an extended break. Take some of these tips to get right back where you were when you left and get back on track with the learning!

Igniting the Flame After the Holiday Break

As I sit here reflecting on the past few days of our Christmas break and all the time I have spent with family and friends, eating way too many sweets and binging on Hallmark movies and Netflix, I also start to think about the fact that school is about to

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Teach Me About Math Workshop!

Looking for all the latest about using Math Workshop in the Middle Grades? Join today and grab the FREE Editable Math Workshop Sheets and all of the great emails to come your way!