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Category: News

Follow 4mulaFun on Instagram!

Do you love Instagram as much as I do? Well come on over and follow @4mulaFun on Instagram so we can interact together! Feel free to leave me your Instagram ID so I can follow you back! Join the Linky at Apples and ABC’s to meet more teacher friends on

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St. Patricks Day Fun in Math

Yes, St. Patrick’s Day is right around the corner and what better way to do something fun in the classroom to review skills but also bring in something fun? I have created three different Solve and Snips for various grade levels and they are each available in my Teachers Pay

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Currently… in March

So, I have to explain the Like, Love, Hate. Jif has just come out with a new Hazelnut flavored Peanut Butter. There was a coupon when we went shopping last week and I just had to try it. So yummy! Now, it’s not taking the place of Nutella in my

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Coordinate Pairs Flippables (Yes, Flippables!)

Yesterday a co-worker was needing something to do with her 5th graders for Coordinate Graphing so I sent my Groundhog Graphing Unit over to her which she (and her kids) fell in love with! Since I wanted them to also have the ability to have a resource for notes, she

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New and Coming Soon!

In honor of today’s SUPER SALE in my Teachers Pay Teachers store, I added two new products last night! First up, a new set of Camping Inspired Technical Reading Strategies for Problem Solving (to go along with the Super Hero and Owl themed already available) and a new Area Solve

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Currently… and a SALE!

    Wow, we are already into February of 2013? Guess that means only 23 more days until my birthday! Gosh, I love this month! So what’s better than joining up with Oh’ Boy 4th Grade and posting along in her “Currently” linky party! Click on the pic to jump

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Cute (and Seasonal) Groundhog Graphing Freebie!

After working my students to review Coordinate Planes last week, I thought it was great to have some task cards for them to work on to find locations on a coordinate grid. Well since it’s almost Groundhog Day, I decided Groundhog Graphing was the way to go!

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Interactive Notebooks in Virtual Classrooms?

So after reading the title for this post you are probably thinking I have lost my ever-loving mind! Well, I am here to tell you it can TOTALLY work! So if you have been here this past month, you would know that I recently transitioned into a new position as

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Ready for a Pythagorarean Theorem Funny?

This past weekend I was contacted about creating a Pythagorean Theorem Solve and Snip. It was on my list of many but was probably a lot further down that any time soon so I decided that I would take time this weekend to create it and get it up. As

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IEPs, ARDs, FIEs… What does this mean?

Do you ever feel that there are times where your brain has all these letters just floating around? That is totally how I have felt this week as I have finished the second week of my new job. My days are filled with reviewing student’s Special Education Individualized Education Plans

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Quick Sale- Flippable Templates Galore!

Just a quick post for a sale on my favorite product that is ending today. As a part of all my posts lately about Flippables, I decided to do a weekend only sale on my Flippable Template Pack! That’s right, through today at midnight you can grab this for only

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Teach Me About Math Workshop!

Looking for all the latest about using Math Workshop in the Middle Grades? Join today and grab the FREE Editable Math Workshop Sheets and all of the great emails to come your way!