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Table of Contents in Interactive Notebooks

Interactive Notebooks 101

Last week when I shared about Creating Organization in Your INBs, one of my followers left a question in the comments that I thought was GREAT for a follow-up post.

“Do you add to your table of contents as you go or do you fill it all out at the beginning of the year?”

Table of Contents Blank

Each year, I start with a blank Table of Contents for my students. I want them to take ownership of their notebook and any way that I can let them be COLORFUL helps them take that step just a bit more.

Typically I go ahead and plan the first section for them (the basicscover page, rubric, table of contents, strategies and application of them, and INB contract) as well as start the first unit.

At this point is gives you a chance to model how important staying organized it but also allows you to tell your students, “If your pages don’t necessarily match up with my INB, make sure your ToC reflects the difference.” Again, another way it becomes their notebook and not just another assignment.Table of Contents Complete

Just an example of last year’s Table of Contents. I have changed it a bit now to add in the date but also to reflect my Left Side versus Right Side teaching that I went to as the year went on last year.

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