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Monday Made It: Organization Overload!

Another week of working on many different things around the house brings me to linking up once again for Monday Made It. Click on the logo to be jump on over to see all of the other teachers who are linking up with new things they have made as well.


This past week has been a week of preparing and organizing for my sessions this week at CAMT 2013. Not only did that mean organizing all of my ideas one last time but also preparing all the necessary supplies for me to present to 250 math teachers from all across the State of Texas. (More info about CAMT 2013 can be seen in this post.)


First up, we had to unpack all the notebooks from the 21 boxes that they came in so “Jonna The Great” (@jonnaaa_g) could put my labels on each of them so teachers could easily get in contact with me.


All of the boxes prior to breaking them down to go in the recycle bin. Hubs had us break them down so we could do our part.


Next up it was time to print things off to get them ready for the 200+ teachers that will be attending my two sessions. Umm, yes, I overplanned and I hope the teachers who are coming will be as excited as I am.


 While Jonna was working on the cutting, I started working on some of my examples because I had to do brand new ones just for CAMT.


Knowing I wanted something cute (and math related) on the tables for teachers to see, I pulled out my Good Mathematician Posters from MissMathDork and once laminated, I was good to go! I’m SOOO LOVING these!


And what’s even better… she woke up yesterday morning and started working some more. I am seriously going to get used to this having an assistant who will do what I ask without complaints.


Well, after a day of cutting, I reminded her that there was still one more thing that I needed to print. Yes Jonna, another 250 pages to cut out. By now you are probably asking why we are pre-cutting. Well, 1. I don’t have 100 pairs of scissors and 2. We only have a 1 hour session for each of these workshops. I normally teach this as the first part of my full day workshop and take 2-3 hours on this all by itself. I will be SPEEDY GONZALEZ on Wednesday and Friday.


It has definitely been an organized chaos this week and I can’t wait to share more with you in the reflections from CAMT 2013 when I return. Have a Texas Blogger Meetup planned for Wednesday night in San Antonio and am just a bit excited about that too.

Optimum Organization Linky Final

Since I was swamped with organization this week, I decided to link up with Optimum Organization as well. Staying organized when planning a big project is crucial to keep your sanity!

If you are interested in keeping up with me in real time while I am at CAMT 2013, feel free to follow me on Instagram and/or Twitter. Search for @4mulaFun on both. Also, if you are there, I would love to meet you! So feel free to tweet me!

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