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Five for Friday: Interviews, Puppy Love and Creating

Five For Friday

Only my second week of my official Summer Break and already it FLEW by! Please July, slow down because August will come way too soon! So excited to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching once again for this Fabulous Five for Friday!


The week started with an interview locally for a Special Education teacher position and despite that morning being a bit chaotic, the interview went really well. I’m looking forward to hearing anything at all from the interviews that I have had once everyone comes back to work in a few weeks.


I’ve been spending a lot of time with my three little girls. Maddy (pictured above) is a love bug. She has so much energy for a little dog that it wears me out!


Funny story this week was our roommate locked her keys in her car at work. Her sister had her only spare and asked me if I would join her on the drive out to save her. It meant I got to spend some time with the Monkey up above. Caelan had a blast telling Ms. Jenn-Jenn story after story and then playing on my iPhone with the iTouch Learn Words app. It awards stars every time you make a correct match based on the word that is said to the picture. We were counting stars non-stop!


My schedule has been a bit crazy this week with when (and where) I am taking time to work. I have been doing a lot of late night work because that is when my brain functions best (hence writing this blog post at 1:10am…). Well, since hubby has had an allergic reaction that he has to put a topical medication on, he is sleeping on the couch covered in a sheet we wash daily. Hence the extra room in my bed and I’ve just been working from there. Sookie (my piebald dachshund) has been keeping me company and giving me looks when she thinks it is time for me to go to bed.

Flippable Fun For All Cover PhotoAnd what have I been working on so much? Why my workshops that are coming up of course. My workshop Interact with Me and Engage Me is next week in San Antonio, Texas for a POWER HOUR of madness! I’m doing it twice for different grade levels which I went into detail about yesterday.

Then later in the month I have my full day workshop, Flipping Out over Flippables, which is a FULL DAY workshop here in Garland, Texas.

I am so excited for both of these, as well as those scheduled in August, and I don’t want to have any minute wasted so I’m literally planning them to be PACKED with goodness to supplement Interactive Learning in the classroom. I can’t wait to meet everyone that is attending and come back inspired to add more to my future workshops!

Okay, I’m getting that glare from a certain dachshund so I guess I better just wrap this up! Hope you all had a FANTASTIC Fourth of July (those in the US) and just a FABULOUS week for all!

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