It’s the first Wednesday of December which means it’s time for our linky – Math IS Real Life.
If you want to see how the linky works, or just want other real world math ideas, check out the link-ups from August , September , October and November OR check out out
Pinterest Board of all the posts so that you can look back and find some great ideas and REAL pictures to use in your classroom!
If you are linking up, please include the below picture AND a link back to all four of our blogs – feel free to use the 2nd image and the links listed below!
Have you ever felt like this?
I’m sure over the course of our adult lives there are more nights than we care to own up to where we have said the same thing.
Have you ever looked at your calendar and thought the same thing? “I have 5 days until this deadline, 3 weeks to prepare for this meeting, etc.” I know that myself as a planner I’m constantly looking at how far things are away so that I can make sure things go smoothly.
Right now is no different and that has what kept me SUPER busy lately. I have a deadline of Dec. 9th for a new company I am working with that I can’t wait to share more about (soon I promise), there are my own personal deadlines for warning the next INB Units created for each grade and then there are the holidays. And that is all before I get to the lovely month of January.
Why is January so lovely? Well, because I’m uber busy! January 5-6th I will be in San Antonio once again presenting on Interactive Notebooks to a middle school for their winter inservice. Then I’m staying in town before driving to Austin for the remainder of the week to be a part of the TMSA conference. I’m so excited to help my buddy Michelle out in the exhibition hall and I get to help her while she is presenting.
Then… (yes, there is more) I will be going BACK to Austin at the end of the following week to help some 9th-12th grade teachers set up Interactive Notebooks for their upcoming units.
Once I’ve caught my breath it’s time to fly off to Georgia for awhile. I will leave January 29th for an extended stay in Georgia through February 3rd. Part of my time will be back down at the Southwest Georgia RESA helping the Kinder-2nd grade Teacher’s establish how to set up Interactive Notebooks with their little ones before heading back to Atlanta. While in Atlanta I am hoping on my weekend off to meet up with some 4mulaFun friends (hint, hint) before I work with the Department of Education and Business teachers on using Interactive Notebooks in their curriculum.
So this has been Math in MY LIFE lately. Busy keeping track of schedules and the hours needed to complete anything and everything for upcoming workshops. Which, if you are interested in learning anything about my workshops, or even scheduling one for your school/district/region, please check out my Workshops page where you can find the details.