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Five For Friday… Fun, Friends, Food and More!

Five For Friday

This week has been crazy with the latest round of STAAR testing for my school so looking back at my photos this week has proven to be interesting. Taking time to do that showed me I had a pretty fun week other than testing.

Highlighter Shoes

1. Fabulous Feet! I am so happy to be wearing cute tennis shoes once again. Since I started on Weight Watchers 5 weeks ago, I have already been walking a handful of times. Hubs knew that I needed new shoes and he took me to New Balance this past weekend. Loved these from the first glance. I call them my Highlighter Shoes!

Fun Finds

2. Fun Finds! Yep, gotta love me some new mechanical pencils! Easy decision on a trip to Costco to pick up some of my FAVORITE school supplies!

Feeling FItFitness Buddy

3. Feeling Fit with my Fitness Buddy! Went on two walks on Monday for a total of 2.4 miles {hey, you gotta start somewhere}. Started wearing my Striiv Play and am loving it! Also took both of the furbabies on the first walk and after Sookie not really enjoying it {despite being the furbaby who NEEDS it… she’s a bit fluffy} only Maddy and I went on the afternoon walk. She LOVES to go. Was funny on Tuesday afternoon when I got home from testing, she went over to where the leash is hung and looked up as if she was asking to go on a walk.

Fabulous Food

4. Fantastic Food! After testing on Wednesday, my good friend and co-worker Crystal went over to Fuzzy’s Tacos where I had one amazing salad! OMG, so yummy! Grilled Shrimp Salad with Feta, no tomatoes and Avocado Ranch. YUMMY!

Fruity Goodness

5. Fruity Goodness! We bought many of the ingredients this past weekend for some amazing smoothies I keep pinning. I had my first one this week that I made with Trader Joes Organic Vanilla Hemp Protein Powder, Flax Seed powder, frozen strawberries, 2/3 of a banana, and 3/4 cup Almond Milk. It was quite yummy despite the grass smell of the Hemp Protein Powder to begin with. As you can see, Maddy enjoyed the remnants in the cup.

Why Hemp Protein Powder you ask? Being Lactose Intolerant has made it where I can’t use Whey Protein and then reading about the over-use of Soy products steers me clear of Soy Protein. So, then after tring to stay away from excess Gluten to help with my overall digestion, this was the clear choice. I will say that a spoonful of honey TOTALLY helped!


Hope to see you link up for Five For Friday!

Leave some love if you are stopping on by and I guarantee I will do the same!

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