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Wonderful Day!

Well last night was my last craft fair of 2011. I would say that it was BUSY because there were so many people (there was also the district arts festival going on) but a lot of the patrons weren’t buying which showed how hard our economy has been hit. I was happy to learn what I did, do a bit better than breaking even and was given the opportunity to set up my cards and tags in the workroom at my school today! SCORE!

All Decked Out CTMH

This morning was great because I woke up to a sale in my Etsy shop! My lovely Snowman friend is getting a new home! I can’t wait to ship him out tomorrow!

I have started working on a new Snowman card and hope to have it finished up this week to list in my Etsy shop. The next venture is start working on some Birthday cards since I know that we ALL need Birthday cards.

What is the number one reason that you give a card? Do you give homemade or store bought cards? Why do you choose one over the other? What is the most you will pay for a card?

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