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What is Steampunk? Winner

After much deliberation Michael chose his winner for the “What is Steampunk?” Challenge!

There were many great entries for his first contest and he had a hard battle. LOL! I don’t envy him and now he knows why I do random contests. All of the entries can be seen on our Live.Teach.Create Facebook Fan Page. While you are there, make sure you are a fan!

The winner of the 8×8 Steampunk Debutante Paper Pad (getting it before we even have it in- it’s on it’s way though) is:
Jenny Gorder! You can find her at Snarky Love Notes! This is one of the pictures from her entry on “What is Steampunk?” If you go to her blog you can see a slide-show of all the other pages as well.

Thank you to all of those who entered! You never know when Michael will do one of his contests again! He still have a lot of stuff to giveaway!

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