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UStreaming Fun

(C) Monika Wright

I am so sorry for not announcing last week that I wasn’t going to have a UStream class. I was celebrating my birthday and couldn’t fit it into the schedule.

Friday night, I will be working until 7 pm at work doing our Friday Night Lights program but I will be home to do a UStream class that night at 8pm Central. I am not going to set a schedule for this week of what I will make. I do know there are a few things that need to be worked on so here is the “possible” list:

  1. Buck Naked Banner (we started this weeks ago and I want to finish it)
  2. Easter Card
  3. Explosion Box (Thinking of offering this as a class- I know it’s not new but it is something that they haven’t seen.)
  4. Mother’s Day Project (Another class in the future)
  5. Weding Layouts

So now I’m leaving you with the question, what do you want to see me create this week? Some of these are easy to create while others will take time.

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