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Self Portrait 2012 Challenge- March Update

This project is still going strong for me. I have been able to capture some form of a picture of myself each week.

This month, I noticed a lot of them are in my car as that is the only place that I can take a photo of myself and there be good light and be somewhat dressed nicely. LOL! I did see that others are taking pics of various parts of themselves each week and I am taking that on for the next month. 🙂

From Left to Right (top to bottom): 1. Wearing a new top that I have had since the beginning of school. I have been struggling to wear it because the pearls on it need to be re-stitched on but it’s so cute! 2. Another nice and sunny day in East Texas. Wearing yellow, my favorite, and lots of jewelry! 3. Playing around at Shepler’s in the Hat Department waiting on a lady I was selling something to on Craigslist. 4. Wearing my crazy curly mop of hair down for the first time in ages. It didn’t last all day as it was quite hot but I was able to show off the natural curl. More jewelry as well.

I like the grid picture, I can now just print this out and scrapbook it just like this! How easy is that? I made this using the PicFrame app on my iPhone. I think it was a free (or relatively cheap at least) and makes so many great collages. Have you tried any other great apps for your iPhone photography? I would love to know about more.

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