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Order of Operations is Where It’s At!

How many of us remember reviewing Order of Operations umpteen million times in school? It’s the same thing over and over again right?

This year I knew I wanted to just create a resource for my students for their Interactive Notebooks so they could have it for reference. I didn’t want to bog them down with more than that.

For the notes I created, I combined the “Hopscotch” template I had seen on Runde’s Room with the basic steps and breakdown of what PEMDAS entailed. That was it! Finito! We were done! You can grab a copy of the notes I created in my TpT store. There are two versions, one with a word bank and one without. Once we had these notes in, I did pose three problems to my students with varying levels of using Order of Operations and they loved being able to use the whiteboards to work these out, who doesn’t?

So now what? How do I prove the students retain the information? Well, next week on our long class period my students are going to do a total of 3-4 work stations that review the skills we have covered this six weeks. No test, no quiz, just some games! 🙂

Click on the picture to be taken to my TpT store to purchase this set of Task Cards for only $3.00!

So for Order of Operations, I created a set of 12 Task Cards and recording sheet that allow a student to work through the problems, show their work and check with a partner. They will also have a copy of their answers to check together once they have both finished and then work together to correct anything that isn’t the same or correct.

Besides the task cards, it also includes two versions of directions and recording sheets to go with each! What a great way to differentiate as well!

Now of course I wasn’t done in creating items to use with Order of Operations. I had to create a Operation Keyword Sort as well. This is great to use with students who still need help identifying those keywords, those that struggle with word problems, and even just as a great review!

Click on the picture to be taken to my TpT store to grab this Word Sort for only $2.50!

This set includes one set of brightly colored Operation Labels as well as a total of 30 keyword cards. I have also included a recording sheet so students can easily keep track of their keywords once they have sorted them and you can easily check off to see the students understanding.

I’m using this as a review with my Resource Math students next week. Several of them are working on knowing what operation to use when given a word problem and need help with these keywords so it’s perfect for them!

I sure hope that you can use some of these as well! I have several other things coming this week that I can’t wait to share with you as well.

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