Is it just me, or did February fly by for everyone else? Seriously feel that I just started the month and now it’s over. Now that I have completed two months of 2012 with my One Little Word, OPEN, I feel that I am totally embracing the word at times and at other times it is just part of my life.
Open to New Adventures:
– Hubby and I went to a new Hibachi for my birthday this month. Neither of us had been there, we solely based going on the reviews of others on Yelp and I will tell you it was FABULOUS! I can’t wait to scrapbook the pictures that we took that night.
-Still working strong on reading 12 books in 2012. I am currently almost finished with my second book, Deadly Night by Heather Graham and am loving it. Ready to get the rest of the trilogy so I can follow the story.
Open Mind:
– This month we doubled up on the Clomid per the doctor’s orders and had hopes that thing would work but alas they did not. We just finished another round of Clomid and go back to the doctor next week to possibly have a test run to make sure things are clear. Still TTC and learning to just be open to what comes.
– Started back to teaching on Tuesday and Thursday nights at the Community College. This means that two nights a week I either have to pack my lunch or pick something up. I’m working hard on the staying healthy and therefore this salad from McDonald’s was right up my alley! So yummy!
Open Heart:
-So although we have had ups and downs this year with our furbabies, we think at this time that Sookie might possibly be pregnant. If it is so, the typical litter is 4 for a dachshund with a possibility of 8. We are hoping that two will be the right amount if she is. She is expected to deliver the first of April if she is pregnant so we shall see.
Open to What is to Come:
-Michael continues to work on the property as he is able but I even put in some work this month. I worked hard on the building we affectionately call the “Turkey Vulture Barn” and still have more to work on. We want to convert it into our tool/chemical shed where I will be able to keep all of my paint that hubby keeps buying me at work.