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Not Just Another Cyber Monday….

Are you already making your list for all the goodies that you plan to pick up over Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday? Well, don’t forget to add TpT to your list!

Yep, it’s that time of year where TpT has one of their amazing sales where the entire site is 10% off and teachers add in their own sales to make stores up to 28% off! This is a perfect time to stock up for the next few months and save some serious $$$!

All of the items in my store will be on sale and you will be able to pick them up for the maximum discount of 28%. I’ve loaded many new things over the past few weeks including those listed below (as well as many more).

Click on any of the pics to be taken directly to the item in my TpT store.

Make sure to check out the other lovely teachers stores that have linked to show their participation in the TpT Cyber Monday (and Tuesday) sale just for you!

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Looking for all the latest about using Math Workshop in the Middle Grades? Join today and grab the FREE Editable Math Workshop Sheets and all of the great emails to come your way!