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10 Things

1. Number of meals that I have prepared this week. I’m a slacker.
2. How many popsicles I just ate. {Sugar Free Tropicals- yum!}
3. Number of days that I have worked this week. {Had to take one day off of Summer School}
4. How many pills I take every night. {Depakote ER x 2, Celexa, and Water Pill.}
5. The number of transactions that I did at Walgreen’s this week. {Yes, I am a couponer.}
6. Days since the last day of school. {So excited to be out- well almost… 7 days left of Summer School.}
7. Hours that I spent in the hospital with my hubby this week. {He’s on the mend but still not better. Calling doctor today.}
8. Hours that I slept last night. {Thank heavens for Summer.}
9. The number of kits that I have started to prepare for my upcoming Tag class. {more details and SNEAK PEEKS tomorrow}
10. Days left until we plan to be out of the rental house. {Scary!}

My layout pic will be here soon!

Join Shimelle in 10 Things, “You’re welcome to join us if you like! Blog your ten things on the tenth and add your link – easy! Then click through to visit other participating blogs to meet some new friends and revisit old favourites. We’ll be doing this every month, always on the tenth!”

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