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First Monday Trade Days- Canton, TX

The First Monday of every month (or actually the weekend that includes the First Monday) is an amazing weekend in a small town east of us. Canton, TX transforms into a 100 acre flea market filled with crafts, antiques and more!

As a child my grandparents lived in Canton and it was more of just a flea market then. We went regularly and spent good times with Papa just looking for junk. We would always come back with some little treasure that we thought was the best. Over the years it has definitely grown and become one of the most interesting places to shop.

Yesterday, Michael, my mom, dad and I all took the trip out there (only about 25 mintues from us) to go spend the day. We started out together and then we split up after about 30 minutes. I saw the cutest little onesie in a shop and had to share it. When we have a baby girl, she will defitely have COOL clothes like this! 🙂

As we were walking, there was this HUGE store that sells wooden accents. They sell them blank for you to decorate and have some pieces ready for you to buy already made. I took this for my Saints buddies. 🙂 LOVE YA Taffy!

I was so amazed by this booth (Ribbon Oasis as I call it) and they actually have 3 in the whole place. I bought about 20 yards of various ribbons and twine for $10. I LOVED IT! Can’t wait to use them on my projects that are upcoming (and of course get more).

This time of the year most booths are putting out their Christmas stuff. Many of the booths stated “No Pictures” but I did take some when I could. This little sign was cute and I think I see something like this in my future.

While we were there (for five hours none the less), Hubby and I had a great time. We shared a corn dog and hand-squeezed lemonade. I am definitely sure that we will be back. We started talking about going in January when the holiday season was past us and I can’t wait.  Hopefully by then I will be out of my boot completely and can walk without pain. 🙂

What a trip down memory lane and great pictures to go in my Halloween 2010 mini album! 🙂 Oh and don’t think that the ribbon was all I got. I got a wooden owl and branch to hang in my studio (picture soon), a frame for our living room Live, Laugh, Love wall, some magnets for the refrigerator and Michael got a Cowboy Toothpick Clip.

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