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ePIc Week of Pi Day 2 – Hodges Herald’s Favorite Pi Activity


We’re back with DAY TWO of ePIc Pi Week! Today we have Hodges Herald joining us, with a Pi Day activity based off of one of my favorite math themed stories! Be sure to enter both giveaways at the end, and connect with Hodges Herald on Facebook and Instagram!

Have you heard about the EPIC MATH DAY coming up in a few days?

Hodge's HeraldI’m Elizabeth from Hodges Herald and I am joining Jennifer to get this EPIC Pi Celebration off to a great start!!!!

March 14, 2015 is going to be EPIC!

I have had my shirt for some time now and I cannot wait to wear it.

Epic Pi Day Shirt

As far as my 6th grade curriculum goes, circles were taken out. I was super sad about this, BUT because I teach advanced Math and teach 7th grade curriculum as well, I get to teach circles, so YIPPEEE!!!! I love teaching it because it’s all hands on with REAL LIFE objects!!!!

Sir Cumference and the Dragon of PiFirst of all, I read about pi. Yes, I actually do a read aloud with my middle school students and they actually LOVE IT!!!! They know I used to teach elementary and they indulge me. When I read this a few weeks ago, I was being observed by our district math specialist and she commented about how intrigued they were with the book.

Next, we explore circles! I have collected a bunch of real life circles from my house. We find the diameter, the radius, and the circumference. We divide the circumference by the diameter and we get PI!!!

Then, I give them the activity Cookies, Cakes and Pi, OH MY!
I can’t get them real food because of logistics, but they say these pictures make them so hungry!

Then, I give them the activity Cookies, Cakes and Pi, OH MY!  I can't get them real food because of logistics, but they say these pictures make them so hungry!

They find the diameter, radius and circumference of these circles as well.

You can get this activity here for FREE!

You can also get the recording sheet I use for my circles, circles, circles activity for FREE here.

Happy Pi Day!

That’s not all – Hodges Herald is also giving away 3 $14 TpT giftcards in honor of 3.14!

Enter in the Rafflecopters below for her giveaway, and the ePIc Pi Day Giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Epic Pi Giveaway – Over $314 In Prizes
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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