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You Blow Me Away…

Am I the only one who totally has ideas in the middle of the night? The other night I was catching up on blog posts in Google Reader and I saw that the new Deconstructed Sketch had been posted. Now, I hadn’t played along in awhile so I saved the pic on my iPhone and filed it in my photo folder of sketches and ideas. {By the way, I use that folder ALL the time!}

That very next morning as I was laying in bed, I realized that some of the very ideas that I had just done on the Let’s Celebrate layout that I created could be incorporated into a card. I got right up and grabbed the same Pink Paislee Prairie Hill Papers that I had been using and went to work.

The sketch called for a top focal point and I knew that I wanted to create another Pinwheel. This started as a 2 1/2″ base and if you are looking for the video that explains this, click here! I grabbed a Teresa Collins brad and stuck it in the center to hold it all down. The pinwheel is adhered with foam tape to give it some extra dimension. I love how I was able to use Scor-Tape to hold down the four strips of Cappuccino Twine from the Twinery for the Pinwheel stick.

All of the inking around the edges is in Brushed Corduroy Distress Ink. Because I didn’t want to spell out the entire sentiment with letter stamps, I grabbed some Prima letter stickers and they work just fine.

I hope you like this card and would love to see what you create with the sketch from Deconstructed Sketches as well! 🙂

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