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Teaching Special Students: Strategy and A Snack


With a new year I am excited to say that I have a new job that I am overly thrilled about. Just waiting to sign the contract to make it “official”. My good bloggy friend Mrs. Dixon is having a linky part to share strategies and a recipe this weekend all through our blogs.

One strategy that I have done since I started teaching was to start the year with positive deposits. This means, not only sending home a note before school starts (or a phone call) to welcome a family into your classroom for the year but also to set the tone. This is also important to continue to follow up on as the year goes on with quick notes or calls throughout the year to build your bank of contact if it ever comes to the time when you then have to make a not-so-positive call.

I think it’s always a good thing to keep a stack of note cards, post its, etc. handy so you can write that ever so quick note whenever you need it.

Now, are you ready for my recipe?

I have been working on supplementing my diet with a protein fruit smoothie on a regular basis. I play with the recipe depending on what fruit I have but it’s pretty simple…

1 cup frozen fruit (frozen is key for thickening)
1 cup almond milk (can use coconut milk, regular milk, etc.)
1 Tbsp. Peanut Butter
1 serving Protein Powder (I use Trader Joe’s Organic Vanilla Hemp Protein Powder)
1 Tbsp. Flax Seed Powder


Strawberries, cherries, mixed berries… all of them are amazing!

So take a moment and go check out the linky party at Teaching Special Thinkers today to learn some tried and true strategies to help you start the next year right!

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