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Teacher Testimonial- Interactive Notebooks with Mrs. Buitron

So, we are almost finished with the first half of the 1st 6 weeks! Wow! This is the 1st year that I have used an INB in my classroom…and I ♥ IT!

I have 2 different flippables that are my FAVE!

FREEBIE Interactive Notebook Contract

The contract is one of them. I love that it holds the students accountable and shows them responsibility. It clearly states the expectations of this INB.

6th Grade Interactive Notebook Order of Operations

My other fave is the ORDER OF OPERATIONS flippable! Besides the explanation , I love that it can be folded in the correct order! I stress to my students to make sure they unfold each operation as they are doing the problem.

Overall, I am LOVING the use of the INB in my classroom!

6th grade teacher,

Elizabeth Buitron

PSST… The Interactive Notebook Contract can be found as a FREE download here. The Order of Operations Flippable is currently available in the 6th Grade Numbers and Operations Interactive Notebook Bundle. If you are interested in a gathering of ALL of the 83 Flippables (with more coming) that are ready to print as well as editable in the same download, feel free to check out my Flippable Template Pack available.

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