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Decimal Shopping Spree Project

Last week as a wrap-up to our unit on Adding and Subtracting Decimals I had my student’s participate in a real life project to test their skills. I added in a twist of some financial literacy (Texas added this to our TEKS in K-8th Grade for Math) to keep track of a ledger of expenses.  My students LOVED this over taking a test.

The objective that I wanted to test with my students was to  demonstrate their mastery of adding and subtracting decimals in a real-life setting. This correlates to TEKS 7.2b and 7.13a. I have since looked up the Common Core State Standards and it correlates to 5.NBT.7, 6.NS.3 and 7.NS.3.

This activity includes everything you need to be successful in implementing this in your classroom. There are detailed teacher instructions, 2 different versions of a student Flippable for the Shopping Spree (one shown below), rubric for grading, grade sheets for individual projects and student work samples from my classroom.

The second version (shown above) of the student Shopping Spree Flippable is mean to be used in a student created book. These are simply the pieces to cut out and attach to the book.  The other flippable (pictures below) creates a 4 tab book for the students to assemble and all be a part of one cohesive book.

Teacher directions walk you through step-by step of how to implement this in your classroom. I used Amazon for most of our prices as well as printing out the pictures for my students.

Here are three different examples of students work. The top left picture shows how to complete the Ledger Sheet for determining total cost spent, the top right picture shows a students choice for one of their items as well as a printed picture. The bottom picture shows the book assembled and the detailed directions on the inside cover.

I am amazed at how well my students did on this assignment and how great it came together. We did this just last week and they already want to know how they did and if we can do something like this again closer to Christmas. Little do they know the plans I have for Christmas activities! 🙂

If you are interested in snagging this bundle, jump on over to my TpT store and grab it today! It is a steal at only $3 and will definitely engage your students in demonstrating their mastery of adding and subtracting decimals related to their real lives!

And to sweeten the post, leave a comment on this post with what one thing you would buy right now if money wasn’t an object. One lucky comment by Thursday at Noon Central Time will win Decimal Shopping Spree for FREE!

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