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Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree {with a FREEBIE!}

This year I am TOTALLY into the Christmas spirit which for me (and my husband) has been a great thing. I have baked, I have wanted to decorate, we started buying some ornaments AND hubby found stockings he liked for us to actually start using yearly.

Happy Holidays

Now, I know that may sound weird to some of you but it is just the way it has been since I have had a lack of Christmas Spirit for the past few years. We had planned to go out and cut down our tree this past weekend before Icemageddon 2013 hit so we have it pushed to this Saturday and I can’t wait!

Anyways, last week a fellow follower asked if I would create a Christmas Tree mini book that she could use in her classroom and I really got excited about that. Things have been pushing it to the bottom of my list but I finally made it into my schedule last night and whipped it up!

Christmas Tree Mini Book FREEBIE

Well guess what? On top of all that, it’s FREE for my readers! Go and grab it so that you can use it as well.

And of course I had to whip something up to show a sample so with the thoughts of Christmas Tree hunting on my mind…


The cover is really nice and simple. It could totally be decorated with ornaments and lights as well.


After hearing from a friend this weekend how much water her tree GULPED in the first hour she had it the problem just came to me! Makes it a bit tricky because they have to do a unit conversion before determining the unit rate.


And that’s it! Cute and simple but great for your kiddos. This would be perfect as an Early Finisher activity, a review activity or just a time filler after semester exams.

I would love to see what you create so feel free to share them on my Facebook Page so we can all see.

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