Over the past about 6 months, I have been working on a7 Gypsies Altered Trading Card (ATC) tray to hang in my home. I have had spurts where I couldn’t put it down and spurts where I couldn’t look at it because it wasn’t done. UGH! Do you hate when projects are like that or do you love it?
Personally for me I am very ADD when it comes to projects and I have to be able to move between 3-4 projects at all times. It’s the way I work! 🙂
I started creating these ATCs with the photos in mind. I wanted to capture the travels that my husband and I have taken in little snippets. When I got finished with all of the ATCs and went to look for photos I changed the way I wanted to use this. My husband and I love to go on road trips. We have been on many in our short time together so far. Our first true road trip was before we were even a couple and when I saw those pictures from that day the thoughts that I had then came flooding back to me. I truly wanted to remember that day.
I had just bought my new Nikon D40 (which I still have and LOVE) and was taking it with us to go and get my first real Christmas tree. We went out to a town a couple of hours away and spent the day finding the perfect tree, teaching hubby that Mexican food is really YUMMY, and having a lot of laughs.
I do “Savor This Journey” as it means the world to me. I know that if this day and the events that happened soon after this hadn’t occurred, we might not be where we are today. I love him with all my heart and mind. He definitely is the one that I want to “getaway” with! <3
Don't forget the Copic Club! Emails are due to my by February 15th!
Also, the Organization giveaway closes on Saturday! Leave a comment now!