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Inspiring Bloggers {Friday Features for June 22}

This week I want to focus on inspiring bloggers. When I think of inspiring bloggers I mean those that I read daily without fail, and some might even say stalk. LOL! {Disclaimer: These are not listed in any particular order.}

1. Shimelle Laine– Shimelle is a wealth of inspiration and with her weekly starting points and other posts, she is constantly on top of things to inspire me to create something new.

2. Christine Newman– Christine is an amazingly sweet woman who I “met” through contributing to Everyday Storyteller. Here posts are inspiring in their own right as she follows a very clean yet fun style in her scrapbooking and it makes me want to stretch what I do a bit more.

3. Ashli Oliver– Many of you know her as soapHOUSEmama and she is a total HOOT! We quickly became online friends (and text and GTalk) a few months back and I totally admire all that she has been able to accomplish in the scrapbooking world in the LESS THAN A YEAR of scrapbooking! Totally amazing!

4. Lisa Truesdell– Lisa is the washi and stamping queen in my book! She rocks out Studio Calico each month and I am totally amazed by what she can create with paper, glue and stamps!

Yea, I’m stopping with 4 or I would have to go to 10 and then it would be 15 and so on. I love all the great inspiration in blog world.

Who is a blogger that you follow that inspires you?

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