Wow, where has the week gone? Oh yea, state testing!
Monday– First day of state testing. Proctored a small group for English 1 Writing. Wow, long day! Was so happy to be home that afternoon and just relax.
Tuesday– Another day of testing. Proctored 8th Grade Math Oral Administration for one student. Went quick and had a great time. Lunch afterwards with our site crew at Matt’s for some awesome chicken fajitas. Well, is it fajitas when you only eat the chicken and grilled veggies?
Wednesday– If testing couldn’t get any crazier, I proctored 5th grade Reading, 7th Grade Writing Day 2, 8th Grade Reading and English 2 Writing all in one room. HOLY MOLY! Made for a super long day. Once I got home I worked on my Percent Increase and Decrease Solve and Snip after a 2 hour nap and sent if off to my proofreaders.
Thursday– Happy 4th Anniversary to the hubby and I! Last day of testing for the week and finished up with a makeup 8th Grade Math and English 2 Reading. Hated having to tell a student her time was up (Texas STAAR test gives students 4 hours to complete their testing). Olive Garden for lunch to celebrate being done with testing for the week.
Friday– Finally a day to play “catch-up” on paperwork for the week. Have 2 ARDs (IEP Team Meetings) to prep for next Wednesday and Thursday, 25 students to update IEP Progress for 3rd Quarter and lots of parent contacts to take care of. BUSY DAY!
Plans for the weekend: Make sense of the 21 pages of various products that I have planned this week. LOTS of Custom Requests are planned and ready to create! WOO HOO! Can’t wait to get them out to my favorite people (my customers of course).