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First Month Done!

A few weeks back I introduced what I planned on doing for my year long project when I began taking weekly Self Portraits. I am happy to say that I have finished up my first month and on some weeks have had to chose which photo would be best to use for the week. I’ve already planned that I will be doing a layout each month of the Self Portraits and then a wrap-up collaborative at the end.

Week 3

Hosted a blog hop. Had a guest post over on Pocketful of Pink. Had Monday off of work {Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Day}. Scrapbooked for the first time in 2012 and blogged about it.

Week 4

Got happy mail from Leslie. Teacher workshop in Dallas. Got to go to Target for the first time in over a year. Weighed the puppies {Sookie- 11 lbs and Jake- 31 lbs}. Got a lot more rain and needed more boot days! Payday came finally! Go my hair done by some of my 7th grade newspaper students {therefore the picture above}.

Week 5

Sick as a dog this week. Started as just a sore throat but kept going for a few days and just left me feeling like mush. I did change my necklace this week to my triquetra which I adore. I did get a few comments this week on people thinking I had lost more weight. We will see when I step on the scale today.

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