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Favorite Activities (video style)

We have been doing some amazing activities in my class to work on skills. Below you will find the two different activities I created for the assessment over decimal operations as well as financial literacy (keeping track of a budget with a ledger/checkbook register). Each of these activities is aligned to the TEKS and Common Core State Standards. Each of these activities are available in my TpT Store, Decimal Shopping Spree- $3.00 and It’s A Party- $3.75!

And another activity that I have created to use in math during the Election is called “Take Your Pick” and is available in my TpT store for only $4.00. This will easily take 3 days in class and it will review all of the Data and Graphing Skills my students have learned over the past 2 weeks in our Data and Graphs Unit (also available on TpT for $6.50). Each of these activities is aligned to the TEKS and Common Core State Standards.

So what are you looking forward to in the coming weeks in your classroom? Any exciting activities?

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