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Fans, Family and Friends

Dear All,

First of all, let me thank you for all of the support that we have had over the past year at Live.Teach.Create. We have definitely learned a lot during this time and are better people because of you.

Over the last few months, Live.Teach.Create has grown way beyond what I expected. We originally had planned for Michael to cut back to a part-time job once I started back to school full time. We were not able to do this and therefore we have been stretched thin with both of us working over a 40 hour a week job, my involvement in my school outside of the teaching day and four fur-babies that we are constantly loving on. It got to the point where all we did was work between full-time jobs and Live.Teach.Create. We never had time for each other and that is not the way to live a married life in our eyes.

We plan to continue with Glimmer Mist Girls through January (the last mailing) and then see where things are then. All items that have been pre-ordered are still on order and we will be posting updates as we get them from our manufacturer. Our regular rep is coming back from maternity leave soon and this will definitely help. We are still liquidating our inventory on the site. If you place an order on the site, make sure to use the code inv30liq to get your 30% discount. If an item is not in stock, we are refunding currently as we are trying to clear out all the overstock that we have in our home.

As for what the future holds, I plan to going back to creating things and putting them on Etsy. I will also special order from our distributors for anyone and give them a great deal. These things will be taken care of via email (or the occasional posting on the site to announce things) to Each order will be on a quote basis and done like we did the Beach Buy way back when. I will charge you originally for the product that you ordered and then once it comes in, I will then charge for the shipping minus a credit if any items were back-ordered.

I again want to thank you all for all the wonderful things that you have done for us. You mean a lot to me and I hope to continue to serve you in many ways. 🙂


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