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CTMH Consultant Kit- Sonoma Collection Option

Have you been looking at becoming a Close To My Heart consultant but don’t have a Cricut to work with the Typeset Workshop On The Go that comes with the standard kit? CTMH has come out with a Sonoma Workshop On the Go Option that I know you will love!

The cost for the New Consultant kit is a low $99 and you can add up to three add-ons for an additional $40 each.

If you would like to join my team, call CTMH Customer Service direct at 1-800-528-6715, Monday through Friday between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm (MT) and give them my Consultant Number: 126856971. Because this is not a standard consultant kit, they will not be able to process this online. {I’ve had faster shipping with called in orders!}

If you are interested in joining my team and like the Typeset WOTG, you may click here and join online right away!

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