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Converting Fractions, Decimals and Percents for Interactive Notebooks

Converting Rational Numbers (Fractions, Decimals and Percents) Foldable with Interactive Sort and Exit Ticket

If you are searching for a fun way to teach, decimals, and percents, this foldable is a must for your classroom!

Last week in my class, my regular students worked on creating a flippable for the different types of rational number conversions (Fractions, Decimals, and Percents). I knew that I was going to be doing the same activity this week with my Resource Math students. I needed something that wouldn’t take up the entire class period so this weekend, I was on a mission!

I knew that the flippable that we created above, while cute and pleasing to the eye, would take forever with my other classes. I was worried they would lose interest in the writing. So, I helped them out a bit! I typed up all the notes and created an easy template for the flippable and we were ready to go!

Converting Fractions, Decimals, and Percents Flippable

Converting Fractions Decimals and Percents for Interactive NotebooksAs you can see, not only is it neater when it is all typed out, but I was able to work with my students on a more 1-on-1 basis. I started by having them find all the labels they cut out. Then we glued them on the outside of the flippable. We then went through and pulled out the directions. With the flippable closed to show the labels, they had to pick which direction went with each label. We glued those on the inside.









Now once we were done with Converting Fractions Decimals and Percents for Interactive Notebooksthat, I closed it up again and then we went through with each example.

Since I love how this one turned out, I started working on a 4-part flippable as well for next week! You can grab my Flippable Templates and create your own for your class as well. The sky is truly the limit! And if you are looking for the amazing color paper I used above, you can find Firecracker Fuchsia available here.

Don’t Miss Out On This Flippable!

If you are interested in the actual typed-out information that I created for the Converting Fractions, Decimals and Percents Flippable, please feel free to check those out in my TpT store.

And if your students are needing more assistance with Fractions, Decimals, and Percents conversions how about picking up this bingo game to play in class? Students won’t feel like they are working because you are making it fun and exciting!Fractions Decimals and Percents Bingo

I hope you are having a wonderful day and I will be back tomorrow to share with you a walk-through of my classroom with tons of pictures!

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